职称/职务 副教授
[1] Liu, J., Yang, Y., Ma, D., Wang, Y, & Pan, Z. A watermarking method for 3D models based on feature vertex localization. IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1),56122-56134.( SCI待检)
[2] Liu, J., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Liu, R., & Chen, J. A robust and blind 3D watermarking algorithm using multiresolution adaptive parameterization of surface. Neurocomputing, 2017,237, 304-315.(SCI 检索:000397356700028)
[3] Liu, J., Liu, R., Wang, Y., Chen, J., Yang, Y., & Ma, D. Image denoising searching similar blocks along edge directions. Signal Processing Image Communication, 2017,57, 33-45. (SCI 检索:000412265100004)
[4] Liu, J., Wang, Y., Su, K., & He, W. Image denoising with multidirectional shrinkage in directionlet domain. Signal Processing, 2016, 125(C), 64-78. (SCI 检索:000374356100006)
[5] Wang, Y., Liu, J*., Yang, Y., Ma, D., & Liu, R. 3D model watermarking algorithm robust to geometric attacks. Iet Image Processing, 2017,11(10), 822-832. (SCI 检索:000413198200004)
[6] Liu, J., Yang, Y., Ma, D., Wang, Y, & Pan, Z. A watermarking algorithm for 3D point cloud models using ring distribution. Transactions on Edutainment XIV, LNCS 10790, 2018, 56-68. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-56689-3-5.(EI: 20181204929172)
[7] Liu, J., Wang, Y., He, W., & Ye, L. A new watermarking method of 3D mesh model. Telkomnika Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014,12(2), 1610-1617. (EI: 20134817031133)
[8] Liu, J., Liu, G., Li, A., & Yang, C. Robust digital watermarking scheme using wavelet-based Contourlet transform. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(16), 6695-6703. (EI: 20123915472532)
[9] Liu, J., Liu, R., Chen, J., Yang, Y., & Ma, D. Collaborative filtering denoising algorithm based on the nonlocal centralized sparse representation model. International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2017,1-6, IEEE. (EI: 20182205260532)
[10] Liu, J., Liu, G., He, W., & Li, Y. A new digital watermarking algorithm based on WBCT. International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering ,2012, 29(3):1559-1564, IEEE. (EI: 20121214882820)
[11] Liu, J., Wang, Y., Liu, G., & He, W. A watermarking algorithm based on direction of image specific edge. International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 2010,3: 1146-1150, IEEE. (EI: 20105213528950)
[12] 刘晶等. 基于几何方向的图像压缩算法. 电子学报,2011,39(7):1693–1697(EI:20113614302115).
[13] 刘晶等. 一种可抵抗几何攻击的Directionlet变换域盲水印算法. 电子与信息学报,2011,33(3): 442–448(EI: 20111413891894).
[14] 刘晶等. 利用图像边缘构造水印同步信息的新水印算法.中国图形图象学报, 2011,16(6): 927–932.
[15] 刘晶等. 基于纹理特征定位的数字图像水印算法.计算机工程, 2010, 36(13): 128–131.
[16] 刘晶等. 基于图像特征点的数字水印算法.计算机应用, 2010, 30(3): 702–705.
[1]西安科技局计划项目,图像边缘模型及其应用系统的研制. 2017/01-2018/12.
[2]西安科技局计划项目,基于数字水印技术的三维模型版权保护系统的研制与开发. 2015/01-2016/12.
[5]西安科技局计划项目,立体视觉三维重建系统的研制与实现,2012/07- 2014/07.